Sermons by Reverend Monica Guepet (Page 6)

You are Loved

You are LovedOn Ash Wednesday, about forty-seven days ago, 60 of you said thank you to me when I said ashes to ashes, dust to dust, from God you have come and God you will return. Why say thank you or Amen? What were you institutively reflecting on? We acknowledge the reality that our life is in God. God is already creating…

Love Your Worries

Laid up in a hospital bed from his wounds, a young man named Ignatius began to imagine more than the brokenness he had known. More than just fighting and pain, he wondered what else he could do. With aggression, conflict, mercenary challenges, he felt desperation. At the age of seventeen, he was more eager to pick a good fight, than any concern…

Love Your Enemies

This Lent, we have been listening to Jesus’ call in the Sermon on Mount to take on love, God’s love with prayers for our hands and actions for our feet.  Last week, we began our journey on Ash Wednesday as we asked the question – Does Jesus love me, even me?  YES!   Then we looked…

Love Your Neighbor

This Wednesday, many gathered for Ash Wednesday to begin this season of Lent.  With 59 in worship between the noon and 7pm services, I was moved.  Moved by the ashen mark of God’s love of foreheads.  Moved by familiar faces and neighbor faces we are learning. Moved by those who brought their confessions to the cross to be shredded and then embrace…