Sermons by Reverend Monica Guepet (Page 5)

What makes a hero: Justice

What Makes a Hero: Justice During the month of July, we have celebrated heat waves and the 50th anniversary of the walking on the Moon with Apollo 11.  We have looked at our human condition through the lens of the movies.  As we watched Simba from the Lion King, we reflected on the courage to remember who we are in Christ Jesus…

What Makes a Hero? Better Together!

From Pentecost to Advent, we call this season – ordinary time.  Ordinary time to use ordinary ways to know God and God’s people more deeply.  This month, we have been looking at movies as a lens to see into themes of biblical truths in everyday life. Today, let’s take a look another part of what makes a biblical hero; they are better…

What Makes a Hero: Courage

1 Timothy 1: 12-17, Luke 15: 11-32 1 Rainy days down at the beach are made for movies and puzzles, books and naps! When you can’t get your toes out into the sand, nothing is better than watching movies. This month, we are going to take a look at a few movies, through this series: the gospel in film. I am not…

Share a Story of Freedom

Keep your hand at the plow! Don’t look back! Freedom comes after you take steps. It was January 27, 1956, a twenty-seven-year-old Martin Luther King Junior, sat in his kitchen in Montgomery, Alabama nursing a cup of coffee, unable to sleep. His life was threatened, and the bus boycott was failing. Earlier in the evening, a caller had warned, “If you aren’t…

Share a Story of Hope

After a major downpour, like the one we had the other day, a mother watched her two little boys playing in a puddle hole through her kitchen window. The older of the two, a five-year old, took his younger brother by the back of his head and shoved his face into the puddle. As the boy recovered, shook his head, laughing and…

Nowhere to Go But UP!

There’s Nowhere to Go But UP!May is a month filled to the brim with holidays and celebrations! In fact, one parody group now calls it Maycember! I have a feeling you know why. Mother’s Day, Cinco de Mayo, Memorial Day, Armed Forces Day, National Nurses Day. There are graduations, weddings, baby showers, and parties. I do realize that this morning is properly…

Half Truths: God Said it, I Believe, That Settles It

Reading car bumper stickers can be an entertaining past time. From places people have traveled like Ocean City, Disney or Cape Cod to candidates they are supporting to theological presuppositions; bumper stickers can share a glimpse of something about a person. Have you seen the bumper sticker, “God said it, I believe it, that settles it”? Sometimes, the bumper stickers even go…