Sermons by Reverend Monica Guepet (Page 4)

Abundant Generosity

A preacher at a small church would sometimes take his two small sons with him to an early morning Bible study. An elderly gentleman would, sometimes, split his donut with the two brothers. One Sunday, the smallest son came to church with a sandwich bag full of Cheerios. The elderly man leaned over and asked the young boy if he could have…

Intentional Diversity

Intentional diversityNot many people naming Jesus’ twelve disciples from memory would be likely to include Jesus’ disciple Nathanael in the top five or six names. We all think of Peter and Thomas, James and John. Nathanael asks Philip, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” (John 1:46) Nathanael’s question reveals much about him and by extension, us as well. Looking back, it…

Rooted in Faith

Peter, who is almost 5 and in Prekindergarten this year, and I both chose Fridays as a day of Sabbath. As the girls finish the week at school and Steve completes his work week, Peter and I remember that God rested on the seventh day and commands us to do likewise on our Fridays together. We often spend this time in nature,…

Hands of a Woman: Deborah and Barak

Hands of a Woman: Deborah and BarakGod has a way of surprising us. Unlikely characters getting leading roles. Improbable plot twists when the narrative seems predictable. Even word play on expected tropes. Today’s story has all three! Good television and exciting books have nothing on Bible! Last week, we began the Game of Judges, a month-long dive into the biblical book of…


PeaceWe know it better by its absence. On the days, in which you can not win, you have stepped in every puddle, hit every red light, and just can not catch a break, you might be looking for it. When the mailbox is filled with bills, the inbox is overflowing, and the schedule has no white space, you might be searching it…

Blessed Assurance

Blessed AssuranceThis week, our son Peter, asked an interesting question: How do you know that God is with you, if you can not see God? Kids say the darnedest things. Often, they ask the questions we have been holding or afraid to ask. Lest you think, my life is any different than yours. We were driving along on our way to Target,…