Weekly Sermons (Page 24)

Ascribe to the Lord

“Ascribe the Lord” This week marks the beginning of another season of Lent. We are now in the 40 or so days leading up to Easter, the day of Jesus’ resurrection. Lent always begins in the same fashion- Ash Wednesday. It is a day of reflection and repentance, symbolized by an ashen cross on our forehead. The words that are said as…

Ash Wednesday – When You Pray

When You Pray Welcome to your annual soul checkup. Let’s together get ourselves ready for Easter. This will take us a number of weeks, about six to do this right. Let’s focus in on how your prayer life is going as one of the primary indicators of a healthy relationship with God. Let your soul be open to a preventive checkup that…

God Gives the Growth

For the last five weeks, we have been traveling with Paul in the first three chapters of the first letter to the Corinthians, where he called the people to remember they belonged first to Christ. Every action that followed came from a knowledge of belonging together to Christ. We, together, belong to Christ. Together, we lack nothing. We align on the person…

Show Me State

Do you know the story of state nicknames? What is Pennsylvania called? The Keystone State. Do you know why? Keystones are the crucial center stone in the arch that holds together the other rocks. Pennsylvania, in the middle colonies, held a key position geographically, economically, and politically in the original thirteen colonies.(1) Another state nickname that has always fascinated me is Missouri.…


AlignedIt’s the opportunity of a lifetime. Longtime tenants finally move out of prime real estate. Jackpot! It is the natural moment for transition and possibility. What comes next? Prospects can be the most exciting moment for any organization or institution. And the most telling. One group posits the smartest financial investment would be a luxury hotel with its proximity to tourist destinations.…

You are not lacking

Meditations For Your Week                                         Sunday, February 2 ~ Saturday, February 8, 2020 Sunday: “Paul, called to be an apostle of Christ Jesus, by the will of God, and our brother, Sosthenes.” 1 Corinthians 1:1.  Pray for the Holy Spirit who is calling new followers of Jesus.  Paul followed Jesus, by the will of God.  May God’s way be known.     Monday: “To…

2020: West Grove

This week, I picked up a new pair of glasses.I had been using the latest pair for about two years with little trouble. When my eye doctor asked if I experienced any vision change, I said very little. At the end of the exam, I found myself with an updated prescription. I have worn glasses since the 2nd grade, so this did…

God’s Dream for Humanity

God’s dream for humanityDid you ever play the game who or what is missing? In elementary school, I can remember sitting around the circle with my class. One student would go into the hallway. While that student was in the hallway, the teacher would chose a student in the circle to “hide.” Maybe they would hide in the closet or the bathroom.…

Remember God’s Vision of you

Meditations Sunday, January 12—Saturday, January 18 Sunday: “A certain woman named Lydia, a worshiper of God, was listening to us; she was from the city of Thyatira and a dealer in purple cloth. The Lord opened her heart to listen eagerly to what was said by Paul.” Acts 16: 14.  Consider that God might open your heart today to see and hear…

Brilliant Star Filled Vision

Brilliant Star-Filled VisionToday is the eleventh day of Christmas. Tomorrow, Epiphany is the culmination, the last of the twelve days of Christmas. We conclude our feasting and weekending for days, all in the name of the Christ child, and we receive God’s revelation. Beginning, before his birth, the Magi, the astronomers from Persia, travelled across miles to find the Christ child. They…