Weekly Sermons (Page 22)

All Are Needed

Rev Erin Moore, All are Needed, 1 Cor 12:12-32 Growing up my grandmother’s freezer was always filled to the max. You name it, it was probably in her freezer – frozen meals, leftovers, veggies, ice cream and other frozen desserts. So full, that when you opened it you always needed to be prepared, for chances were good something would fall or, at…

In God’s Love

If you have ever received an email or a card from me, you have seen my signature is always the same – In God’s Love, Pastor Monica.  For over two decades, I have used my same blessing as I closed out letters and emails, cards, and notes, in God’s Love.  In fact, I have been so consistent that recently an internet scammer…

A Dance for Three?

If you have ever seen a toddler take the first wobbly steps, you have seen dance.  A child begins to lift one foot at a hesitant time, and parents and caregivers watch as close as can be without touching, arms outstretched, willing, and loving the sweet little one into picking up the next foot.  And repeat.  The dance speeds up as the…


On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was known in the sound of a rushing wind.  God was identified in the wind as the Spirit who moved across the deep before creation (Genesis 1),  driving back the waters of the flood in the days of Noah (Genesis 8), parting the waters of the Red Sea as the Israelites passed from slavery…

In the Meantime: UP!

“It’s fairly simple.” That’s when you know you are in for it. “Not much to it.” He said to me as Ben handed me a caulk gun from the supply trailer. Four years ago, our church sent a volunteers-in-mission team to Crisfield, Maryland, on the Eastern shore to provide still needed recovery help after Hurricane Sandy. We arrived four years after the…

In the Meantime: Onward

Do you love me?  Feed my lambs. Emerson, aged eleven, in Sioux Fall, North Dakota, loves writing letters.  She writes prolifically, usually including art, jokes, stories about her younger brothers, mention of her obsession with Taylor Swift, and enough questions to get a reply, her father, said.   Recently, Emerson decided to thank her postal carrier, Doug, for the work he does in…


Good morning! Today I am going to be talking about faith. I think in normal everyday life the word faith is used in multiple contexts. Some might say “I have faith that I can finish that 10K run,” “I have faith that my vegetable garden will take off,” or “I have faith that the Eagles will win another Super Bowl.” For me,…

In the Meantime: Awe

In these great fifty days after Easter, Jesus continues his resurrection tour. On tour, he has shown up multiple times with the disciples as he promised to do. We have seen him with the women at the tomb, in the upper room, on the road to Emmaus. In our gospel lesson this morning, we finish the reading from the last verses of…

In the Meantime: Know

“Marley was dead, to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that. The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker, and the chief mourner. Scrooge signed it. And Scrooge’s name was good upon ‘Change for anything he chose to put his hand to. Old Marley was as dead as a doornail.(1)” These words began Charles…