Weekly Sermons (Page 35)

Do Pause to join the parade

(8:30 Service) I can understand the excitement of getting accidently caught up in a parade.  I am pretty sure the first time I was in parade was by accident.  I got carried away with enthusiasm.  We decorated my bicycle with streamers, and I rode on my training wheels as fast as I could.  I pedaled as hard my 5-year-old legs could go…

DO Pause to Create

What kind of activities do you do to re-create God’s world?  This will be an actual question.   Anyone sew or knit or crochet?  Anyone do woodwork or restore cars or steel bending? Anyone paint or draw or do pottery?  Anyone cook or bake or can? Anyone garden or hardscape or fish?  Anyone write or code or web design?  Anyone dance or do…

Do Pause to See

In the early days of the American invasion of Iraq, there was a group of soldiers whose mission it was connect with a town cleric for organize and distribution of relief supplies.  However, the time was tense, and atmosphere was challenging.  A mob had gathered, fearing that the solders had come to arrest the spiritual leader, destroy their mosque, or desecrate their…

DO Pause To Be

The story goes that it is time for a couple to retire for the night.  You might think they walk right up the stairs and lay down.  But no.   Going to bed means: –     Making lunches for the next day; –     rinsed bowls in the sink; –     took meat out of the freezer for supper; – checked the cereal box levels; –…

DO: Do Pause to Know God

A kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they drew pictures. Occasionally, she would walk around the room to see each child’s work. “What are you drawing?” she asked one little girl who was working diligently at her desk. The girl replied, “I’m drawing God.” The teacher paused and said, “But no one knows what God looks like.” The little…

Celebrating Humanity

Scripture stated that a leper came to Jesus begging him, and kneeling to Jesus, “If you choose, you can make me clean.” Moved with pity, Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, and said to him, “I do choose. Be made clean!” Immediately the leprosy left him, and he was made clean. After sternly warning him, Jesus sent him away at…

DO Go Back

A big game! Long time rivals! Excitement building on both sides! I could be describing the anticipation of tonight’s game… but I have another in mind.  It was September 23rd, 2000 in Ohio.   With Penn State  lined up against Ohio State, the Big Ten rivalry continued.  It was the fifth game of the season for the Nittany Lions.  However, with less than…

DO Follow

This month, we have been walking with Jesus in the Gospel of Mark. Pastor Shirley reminded us of the gift of our baptism as beloved of God, called to care for others. Last week, Pastor Kevin invited us to not just follow Jesus, but to go with Jesus in catching others in the act of fishing. Quickly, we have moved from baptism…