Sermons by Reverend Monica Guepet (Page 20)

Miracle of Freedom

When I met Clara, she was already 101.  She had lived in her home for a good 77 of those years.  She moved from her parents’ home, one filled with violence and exacting rules to her husband’s family farm, where she was never good enough, but her one son was the apple of everyone’s eye…

Miracle of Life

Today, we pick up on the miracles of God that we began talking about last week in this series of Does God still move today?  We have often heard people whisper in moments of honesty and fear that God does not still move among us.  They read the incredible stories from the Old and New…

Miracle of Presence

This morning, we begin a new sermon series on Does God still Move Today?  Miracles in the Bible and Miracles today.  We have sometimes imagined that God’s primary work was done between the borders of Genesis and Revelation.  That God did incredible and miraculous acts contained in the Bible, but is no longer in that…

Holy Spirit Inspires

Today, we conclude our series on Citizen of Heaven, Resident of Earth.  As Christians, our first allegiance is to God.  We are subjects of the most high God and called to live according to the laws and commandments laid out in the Bible.  However, you and I reside, for now here in this place on…

God’s Welcome

This morning, we begin a new sermon series, entitled Citizens of Heaven, Residents of Earth.  It is a series that was not my original intention for this time.  I standardly plan our worship themes out approximately 6 months at a time.  And I had planned something else for May.  During Holy Week, I heard God…

Feeding Others

Have you heard joke about the classroom of kindergarteners who were asked to bring in a symbol of their faith?  One Jewish child brought in a menorah, and a Catholic child brought in a rosary.  When it came time for the Methodist child, she pulled out her parent’s corningware dish complete with a snack for…

Naked Enthusiasm

We are in a series of messages entitled, Followers of the Way. Long before Christians were called by the name of Christ, there were those who sought to follow the way that Jesus and those who knew him lived. They followed the Way of living and sharing, loving and caring that the disciples and apostles…