Sermons on Jeremiah

DO Pause to Create

What kind of activities do you do to re-create God’s world?  This will be an actual question.   Anyone sew or knit or crochet?  Anyone do woodwork or restore cars or steel bending? Anyone paint or draw or do pottery?  Anyone cook or bake or can? Anyone garden or hardscape or fish?  Anyone write or code or web design?  Anyone dance or do…


Hagar’s Hope (CARDBOARD TESTIMONIES)  August 13, 2017  WGUMC   Genesis 16  Jeremiah 29:11 By Pastor Shirley Daddario  Families go through troubles.  Sometimes we are the cause, sometimes troubles happen.  In the book of Genesis in chapter 16 what happened was clear.  Abram and Sarai were worn out with worry.  Abram’s deepest heart’s desire for heirs wasn’t…