VBS – Compassion Camp!

We’re making some changes to VBS this year….

VBS 2020: Compassion Camp

Be loved, be kind, be you.

July 20-24

We are all adjusting to what life is like now in our day to day, and just as our families are learning to adjust our church and its ministries are doing the same.

With the continued closure of the church building, Vacation Bible School will look different this year. We will not be holding our traditional program at the church.

However, that does not mean that we are not having VBS! This year we will be doing virtual VBS for our church family and community! Our dedicated volunteers will be bringing all of the activities that we love about VBS- music, bible stories, crafts, science and more! We will be using videos, Facebook live, and we’ll have some special items available at the church for pickup!

Our program for this year has also had a change. This year we will be heading to Compassion Camp. Throughout the week we will be learning what it means to be compassionate to ourselves, our community and the greater world.

Over the coming weeks we will have more detailed information available through Facebook, including an updated registration process. Information will be shared as soon as it is completed. Our goal is to have the page up by June 1.

Our Children’s Ministry Volunteers and me thank you all for your continued support and understanding. Our hope is to reach out to all even though we are physically apart.

We can’t wait to see you in July!