Jesus is Alive: Butterflies and New Life

Jesus is Alive: Butterflies and New Life
Slide 1: Did you know the story of the Very Hungry Caterpillar?

Slide 2: We have a big fancy work that describes what is happening in the life of the caterpillar.
Does anyone know that word? METAMORPHOSIS
This word describes what happened in the story we heard.
Slide 3: The Caterpillar seems to go away into the special house
Does anyone remember what it is called?
In the Cocoon, new life is born.
The Caterpillar transforms into a butterfly
Slide 4:
This happens around us in nature and it is what happened in the Very Hungry Caterpillar

Slide 5:
Has anyone seen butterflies? What have you noticed about them? Do they sit around?
Slide 6: They like to fly. They do not stay in one place they migrate from one location to another with other butterflies.

Slide 7: I wonder how this helps us with the story get ready for Easter. Let’s check in on what has happened with Jesus this week. Who remembers last Sunday? Palm Sunday is a celebration of Jesus as Messiah who saves us!

Slide 8: Jesus and his friends went to the Upper Room to celebrate the Passover, their last supper together. We remembered this on Thursday here at the church for Maundy Thursday.

Slide 9: After their supper in which shared that his friends, the disciples would deny they knew him and turn again him, Jesus went to pray that God might have another way. Then Jesus said, not what I want, but what God wants.

Slide 10: Jesus was arrested and put on trial. In his trial, he was sentenced to death. He carried his cross to the Golgotha.

Slide 11: There, he with two thieves, Jesus died.

Slide 12: After he died, he was taken off the cross by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus.
Slide 13: They took him to the cave and laid him out. Since it was the Sabbath, the women planned to come on Sunday morning to use oils and spices. The tomb was closed by a boulder, big stone.

Slide 14: That morning, Sunday morning, there was an earthquake!
The stone rolled away and the angel sat on the tomb.

Slide 15: The angel told the women when they came to see Jesus that he was not there. He had risen!

Slide 16: Mary was particularly surprised and she went looking around. As she did, someone spoke to her! It was Jesus. He called her by name.

Slide 17: Mary went and told everyone that she had seen Jesus alive! Once you see such an incredible thing, you cannot help but tell everyone!

Slide 18: Jesus went to heaven and told all of his disciples and friends to tell others about him.

Slide 19: Just like the caterpillars transformed into butterflies in the cocoon, Jesus went from death on a cross to live everlasting. God’s miracles are all around us. Let’s be like butterflies with new life and telling everyone about God’s miracles.