Sermons from February 2016

Please! Prayers to Intercede

We have been in a series of sermons about one-word prayers. The kind that we often pray without even fully understanding that we are praying. It is the OOpps, that we talked about on Ash Wednesday; the Help! And the Why? Today, we turn to look at please. Please that you will hear us God and please that you will attend to…

Why Pray?

There is a story told about a little boy named Johnny who wanted a little brother. This 5 year old went to his father and said he would do anything for a baby brother. Dad said. “ I’ll tell you what, Johnny, if you pray every day for two months for a baby brother, I…

Help: Prayers when tempted

On Wednesday, we began a new series on prayer. Prayer is that incredible communication that you and I have with God. We have often imagined that prayer has to be well formed and articulate, beautiful and worthy of cross-stitching and framing for the dining room. In reality, prayer is much messier and more authentic than that. Prayer is every time you and…

Called To Give Faithfully

This is our last week traveling with Paul. Next week, we turn towards the cross and begin a Lenten Season of prayer. We have travelled with Paul across four missionary journeys from Asia Minor to Jerusalem and up to Rome. We travelled with Paul from persecuting Christians to inspiring other to know Christ. We travelled…