Caring for the Human Family: Understanding Human Sexuality

Join Pastor Monica as she teaches on how we care for our brothers and sisters today.  In three sessions, we will take a look at Scripture, Spirit, Society as related to caring for human and understanding human sexuality. 
Session 1:  Scripture: We will take a look at how God calls us to be family and relate to one another based on what the Bible says.  
Session 2: Spirit:  We will take a look at how the movement of the Holy Spirit convicts and inspires us today.     
Session 3:  Society:  We will take a look at how people of faith are called to be in the world and not of the world, while caring well for each other.  
With three options,  you can join us either on Tuesday afternoons January 29th, February 5th and February 12th, 1-2 p.m., Wednesday evenings January 30th, February 6th, February 13th,  7-8 p.m.  or  Sunday evenings January 27th,  February 3rd, February 10th  5- 6 p.m.   Feel free to mix and match the day or time that works best for you! 
Together, we are the body of Christ, the family of God.  Let us learn how to care well for one another.